Editor Policies

The Editor is a respected and key personality of Journal. 

It is required of editors who work with scientific subjects to possess extensive knowledge in that field in order to properly assess the articles they edit. They will require a master’s degree at the very least.

For each submission, the editors give each manuscript a preliminary evaluation. A managing editor or an editorial board member is allocated the manuscript if the topic and treatment seem possibly suitable for the publication. They are responsible for coordinating and supervising the review process. Following the review process, your submission will be recommended for acceptance, correction, or rejection by the managing editor. The Editor-in-Chief makes the ultimate call.

It is acceptable for members of the editorial board or team to submit their own work to the publication. If an author is connected to the journal, they will be relieved of all editorial responsibilities for that paper, and another team member will take charge of managing peer review. Declaring a competing interest in the submission and any published work that comes from it is also required.

The guest editor(s) will introduce special features in an editorial piece. There is no review process for these editorials. The choice to publish an editorial rests with the Editor-in-Chief.

Reviewers are requested to assist us in the vital role of upholding the quality criteria that the Journal implements by submitting their evaluation no later than two weeks from the date of invitation.

Reviewers are requested to score a manuscript’s quality using the following broad stroke criteria:


    • Is the subject matter within Journal scope?
    • Is the subject unique?
    • Is the English sufficiently developed?
    • There are no more than 8,000 words in the entire manuscript.


    • Are the following elements clearly distinguishable?
    • Problem description
    • Research questions/objectives
    • Theory section
    • Conceptual model
    • Methods section
    • Results/Findings
    • Discussion/Conclusion