NL Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology
(ISSN: 3048-9679)

Research Article
Volume 1 Issue 1

Chemical Amount of Chamomile Populations in Albania

Author(s) : Alma Imeri, Ndricim Zhuri.


Matricaria chamomilla L. is one of the most important medicinal plants in Albania. It has been used for centuries and its usage recently still has great importance. Beside its traditional application forms it is also used in the homeopathy, in several cosmetics; nowadays is an increasing demand on chamomile. Beside its importance as a medicinal plant, chamomile has great economic significance as well, because the dried chamomile flowers are one of the most important exported products. In Albania there is not yet a tradition of cultivation of Matricaria chamomilla L. It is a wild plant spread and its abundance due to climate is almost found in all Albania. My survey is related to the amount of some component in essential oil of Matricaria chamomilla L, cultivated and wild growing. Based on our results giving advices for the improvement of technical knowledge which can increase the effectiveness of the selection work carried out on chamomile.


German chamomile, Matricaria chamomilla L. (syn. Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert), which belongs to the Asteraceae family, is a very important medicinal plant species [4; 5]. Chamomile is a native plant of South and East Europe. However, at present it has spread over nearly all the European continent. The plants can be found in North Africa, Asia, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand [4]. The flowers of German chamomile accumulate blue essential oil from 0.2 to 1.9% [6]. As a medicinal plant, its dried flowers are an old age remedy, known in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome [3]. Nowadays, in phytotherapy, flower anthodia are mainly used. Pharmacological properties include anti- inflammatory, antiseptic, carminative, healing, sedative and spasmolytic activity [5]. According to Yanive and Palevitch (1982) and Bernath (1986) [1], essential oil content and composition of essential oil in plants varies and is due to the genetic and Environmental factors. Well irrigated chamomile plants produced flowers with high content of essential oil [7] and flower yield [2] Therefore, the main objective of the present study was to measure the essential oil content and composition of German chamomile based on best practice of cultivation.

The biological and therapeutical application of plants of the compositae with nearly 120 genera and more than 15,000 species in Albania is more the result of systematically conducted chemical and pharmacological research than of tradition. In addition, the compositae has attracted many chemists and biochemists and substantial research has been built up over the past four decades on the chemical constituents of individual species and genera. A study of the early herbals reveals that a surprisingly large number of plants of the compositae were used for their curative properties. Undoubtedly, the wide medicinal use of many compositae inspired the organic chemists at the turn of the century to explore the chemistry in order to identify the active constituents. Compositae in fact are exceptionally rich, both in the range of secondary compounds present and also in the number of complex structures known of any one class [8].

Many other substances elaborated by the family are toxic or show other significant physiological activity and this may be one reason why plants of the compositae are rarely used in human diets or for animal fodder. Several classes of plant compound are characteristic of this family notably the terpenoid - based sesquiterpene lactones, the fatty acid derived polyacetylenes and the polysaccharide fructans. Many structures discovered for first time in this family have served as models for the synthesis of biologically active compounds and have promoted research into the activity of analogous structures. New screening methods and isolation techniques have made it possible to elucidate the mode of action of old drugs and thereby reintroduce them into modern therapy [8]. The highest content of essential oil and azulenic substances was found in normally ripe flower heads [9]. The essential oil content of chamomile flowers was 0.24 - 1.9% [8].

For a long time, the only known active principle in the chamomile oil was azulene. The name azulene was given to the parent compound of the azulene series C10H8 [10]. Azulene from M. chamomilla L. has been named chamazulene (camazulene) in order to differentiate it from the azulenes contained in other essential oils [11]. One of the most striking properties of the azulenes is their intense blue or blue-violet colour, noticeable even at very high dilution. Azulenes are decomposed by permanganate, even at low temperature, to small fragments and therefore there is no six membered aromatic ring in azulenes [10]. Chamazulene (l,4-dimethyl-7-ethylazulene) is of intensive characteristic blue colour owing to its conjugation system of five double bonds. Chamazulene is a bicyclic hydrocarbon [12].

Chamazulene, one of the major component of the oil, has pain-relieving, wound healing, antispasmodic, antiinflammatory antimicrobial properties [13]. Antiphilogistic activity of prochamazulene has been determined and found to be at least equal to that of chamazulene [14]. Chamazulene when tested on dextran- induced rat paw oedema showed the highest antiinflammatory activity.[15] Chamazulene show only slight activity and ineffective against tetanus toxin [16]. Chamazulene is a special histamine-releasing substance. Chamazulene or the blue oil o f chamomile does not have an antiinflammatory effect, but it enhances sluggish inflammatory reaction and make them more intensive [17].

Bisabolol, another constituent of the oil, has antiinflammatory, antimicrobial and antipeptic activities [13]. Laevorotatory form which is found in chamomile has more effective antiphlogistic and spasmolytic effect then the racemate (dextrarotatory form). The chemistry of bisabolol has been fruitfully extended by the partial synthesis of bisabolol ethers and esters. Most of these synthetic compounds are more active and usually have lower toxicity than natural a-bisabolol [8]. Bisabolol exhibited varying degrees of fungistatic activity. It has significant effects at only 100 mg/ml and is fungicidal to Candida albicans following a 30 minutes’ exposure of the yeast to a 1000 mg/ml concentration [18].

Material and Methods

Steam Distillation

Chamomile essential oil was isolated by steam distillation (READ 1992). Hydro-distillation lasted for 2 hours into n-hexane; sample weights were 2g of drug dry matter. Samples have been grown in wild and cultivated. They are German chamomile well studied and certified by genetic bank near department of agronomy science in Agricultural University of Tirana. Plants have been cultivated in south of Albania (Korça district) and in northern part of Albania (Lezha district).

A modified distillation apparatus by Coocking & Middleton was used (HUMPHREY 1992). Gas chromatography (GC)

The compounds of essential oil were determined by means of Hewlett-Packard 5890 Series II system, with capillary column HP-5, FID detector, split-splitless system for injection and automatic injector HP 7673. The operating conditions were: injection temperature 150°C, detector temperature 250°C, carrier gas nitrogen. Sample sizes 1.0 μl were used and manual type of injection. The composition of chamomile essential oil was determined by capillary GC analysis: Hewlett- Packard 5890 Series II with FID and split-splitless system for injection. The column HP-5 (50 m long × 0.20 mm i. d.) was used. The following temperature program was used: 90oC (0 min), then 10oC/min to 150oC (5 min), 5oC/min to 180oC (3 min), 7oC/min to finally isothermal 280oC for 25 min; nitrogen was used as carrier gas. Detector temperature 250°C, carrier gas nitrogen (flow velocity 274 mm/s), auxiliary gases were nitrogen (30 ml/min), hydrogen (30 ml/min), air (400 ml/min). Peak areas and retention times were measured by electronic integration with a Hewlett-Packard 3396 Series II integrator.

Results and Discussions

There are a lot of components presents in the essential oils of Matricaria chamomilla L. The focus of this study is related to the amount of some component (used in the industry, pharmacology, home therapy), in essential oil of Matricaria chamomilla L. Using cultivated plants and wild growing, the amount of essences is different and should be discussed. Based on our results Bisabolol has high amount in cultivated plants in Lezha, so is recomented to be used and cultivated more. This cultivated plants in same place have high amount of Chamazulene well known for antifungal effect.

Compound name Formula Korce Wild Korce Cultivated Lezhe Wild Lezhe Cultivated
1. Farnesene C15H24 2.85 6.82 1.47 2.62
2. Bisabolol oxide B C15H26O2 30.36 19.78 18.11 10.24
3. Bisabolone oxide A C15H24O2 25.25 19.64 20.29 16.78
4. ß-Bisabolol C15H26O 0.36 0.48 0.17 1.01
5. a -Bisabolol C15H26O 15.81 19.45 33.35 39.69
6. Chamazulene C14H16 0.66 2.1 5.06 6.61
7. Acid hexadecanoic C16H32O2 3.45 1.41


As is shown to the graf 1 and garf 2 the amount of bisabolol is varied to wild cultivars and cultivated. We recommend the wild practices for this culture to be grown and collected using the best practices for short term export of this culture. In the recent past the aim of essential oils have alternately shifted from culinary use to pharmaceutical and therapeutic use. So focused on the amount of these essences is essential for the industry and science as well. Finally, composition of the essential oils could be affected by the geographical environment, geomorphological state of the plants grown, physical and chemical characteristics of soil, plant age, better oil extraction method.

SHEQERAS/KORCE: Popullate Natyrore

trans-2-hexanal 9.35 853 867 0.9%
tricyclene 9.55 884 1412 1.46%
α-pinene 13.23 931 943 0.97%
camphene 14.09 940 199 0.21%
sabinene 15.67 971 194 0.2%
β-pinene 16.36 983 151 0.16%
β-myrcene 16.74 987 1019 1.05%
γ-muurolene 18.74 1509 167 0.17%
α-farnesene 19.73 1511 6599 6.82%
α-muurolene 20.94 1519 285 0.29%
α-bulnesene 20.98 1523 486 0.5%
γ-cadinene 21.17 1542 360 0.37%
calamenene 22.37 1546 914 0.94%
α-acoradiene 24.26 1551 142 0.15%
cadina-1,4-diene 25.04 1557 871 0.9%
δ-cadinene 25.71 1567 345 0.36%
tremetone 26.27 1613 1165 1.2%
caryophyllene oxide 27.03 1614 216 0.22%
viridiflorene 27.56 1623 2046 2.11%
dillapiole 28.32 1641 347 0.36%
cubebol 29.57 1653 347 0.36%
β-bisabolole 29.99 1659 463 0.48%
τ-muurolol 30.84 1663 1223 1.26%
α-bisabololoxide B 31.3 1675 19140 19.78%
bulnesol 32.33 1681 3543 3.66%
α-bisabolole 33.85 1709 18816 19.45%
chamazulene 37.99 1771 2036 2.1%
α-bisabololoxide A 45.43 1780 19000 19.64%
cis-en-in-dicycloether 49.98 1923 12696 13.12%
trans-en-in-dicycloether 50.12 1958 752 0.78%
total 96744 100

SHEQERAS/KORCE: Popullate natyrore

neryl acetate 26.33 1371 88 0.01%
α-copaene 26.92 1395 395 0.06%
decanone 27.31 1406 1950 0.28%
decanonic acid 28.47 1413 289 0.04%
γ-muurolene 30.04 1509 175 0.02%
α-farnesene 30.33 1514 20142 2.85%
α-muurolene 30.82 1520 1331 0.19%
α-bulnesene 31.01 1526 2278 0.32%
γ-cadinene 31.73 1540 899 0.13%
calamenene 32.77 1545 664 0.09%
α-calacorene 33.61 1568 299 0.04%
trans-nerolidol 33.81 1571 336 0.05%
epiglobulol 34.01 1585 714 0.1%
junenol 35.01 1591 1560 0.22%
spatulenol 35.65 1602 5981 0.85%
β-eudesnol 36.33 1606 5826 0.83%
globulol 36.97 1610 17411 2.47%
tremetone 37.74 1612 2422 0.34%
caryophyllene oxide 38.23 1615 693 0.1%
viridiflorene 39.08 1625 2356 0.33%
dillapiole 39.58 1642 3768 0.53%
cubebol 40.41 1655 1878 0.27%
β-bisabolole 40.89 1660 2534 0.36%
τ-muurolol 41.8 1668 9583 1.36%
α-bisabololoxide B 42.41 1678 214240 30.36%
bulnesol 43.01 1683 900 0.13%
valerianol 43.37 1687 3371 0.48%
cadalene 44.5 1705 620 0.09%
α-bisabolole 44.9 1710 111557 15.81%
chamazulene 55.81 1772 4657 0.66%
α-bisabololoxide A 57.65 1782 178174 25.25%
cis-en-in-dicycloether 59.25 1928 83188 11.79%
trans-en-in-dicycloether 59.60 1940 984 0.14%
hexadecanoic acid 60.3 1965 24340 3.45%
Total 705603 100

MAB / LEZHE : Popullate natyrore

trans-2-hexanal 9.19 846 3063 0.67%
α-pinene 13.59 927 927 0.2%
β-pinene 16.05 979 311 0.07%
β-myrcene 16.43 983 973 0.21%
trans-β-fernesen 18.64 1461 346 0.08%
α-farnesene 19.43 1512 6756 1.47%
α-muurolene 20.11 1523 2575 0.56%
α-bulnesene 20.73 1525 1425 0.31%
γ-cadinene 23.18 1529 155 0.03%
cadina-1,4-diene 24.79 1554 1884 0.41%
δ-cadinene 24.89 1560 676 0.15%
α-amorphen 25.37 1561 646 0.14%
α-calacorene 25.93 1564 966 0.21%
epiglobulol 26.85 1582 545 0.12%
spatulenol 27.24 1603 1297 0.28%
caryophyllene oxide 28.36 1612 1080 0.23%
cubebol 29.22 1651 959 0.21%
β-bisabolole 29.65 1659 793 0.17%
τ-muurolol 30.45 1666 8350 1.82%
α-bisabololoxide B 30.94 1672 83312 18.11%
bulnesol 31.92 1681 4534 0.99%
α-bisabolole 33.54 1718 153365 33.35%
chamazulene 43.33 1773 23276 5.06%
α-bisabololoxide A 44.89 1778 93316 20.29%
cis-en-in-dicycloether 49.54 1922 61576 13.39%
trans-en-in-dicycloether 49.68 1937 296 0.06%
hexadecanoic acid 51.23 1962 6507 1.41%
Total 459909 100

MAB / LEZHE : Popullate e kultivuar

trans-β-fernesen 18.56 1465 604 0.1%
α-farnesene 19.34 1517 16447 2.62%
α-bulnesene 20.45 1523 368 0.06%
γ-cadinene 20.61 1541 1396 0.22%
calamenene 20.78 1546 152 0.02%
epiglobulol 23.89 1584 972 0.15%
junenol 24.68 1596 4168 0.66%
spatulenol 25.24 1599 493 0.08%
β-eudesnol 25.83 1603 1329 0.21%
globulol 26.53 1605 695 0.11%
tremetone 27.13 1609 2133 0.34%
caryophyllene oxide 27.81 1611 403 0.06%
viridiflorene 28.2 1623 477 0.08%
dillapiole 29.06 1640 1171 0.19%
cubebol 29.48 1651 637 0.1%
β-bisabolole 30.26 1659 6331 1.01%
τ-muurolol 30.27 1664 6239 0.99%
α-bisabololoxide B 30.72 1679 64329 10.24%
valerianol 31.38 1688 327 0.05%
α-bisaboloneoxide A 31.69 1703 6811 1.08%
cadalene 32.69 1706 391 0.06%
α-bisabolole 33.32 1709 249225 39.69%
chamazulene 42.82 1770 38705 6.16%
α-bisabololoxide A 44.36 1780 105352 16.78%
(ζ,ε)-farnesyl acetate 45.91 1843 11982 1.91%
cis-en-in-dicycloether 49.12 1927 107862 17.18%
trans-en-in-dicycloether 50.12 1939 406 0.068
Total 629405 100



My survey is related to the amount of some component in essential oil of Matricaria chamomilla L, cultivated and wild growing. Based on our results giving advices for the improvement of technical knowledge which can increase the effectiveness of the selection work carried out on chamomile.


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